Your customers will be regular customers who know the product and want to repeat purchases. That is why they are less susceptible to advertising activities, and price promotion activities will be more important . It should be noted that in the final part of this phase of the product life cycle , declines in sales and profit will be visible. Then choose one of the two recommended marketing strategies: Offensive strategy focuses on acquiring new groups of recipients, entering a new market or proposing improved products Defensive strategy in this strategy,
the goal will be to maintain the market position as long as possible Sometimes it also happens that at this stage of a product's life cycle when its sale becomes unprofitable many companies decide to withdraw it from the market. However, remember Middle East Mobile Number List that when taking this step , products that are not available in your online store require certain actions to be taken in order to properly optimize the store in terms of SEO. Phase four, i.e. withdrawal of the product from the market The last phase in the product life cycle is its decline. It will be recorded both at the level of profits and sales. This is usually caused by changes in consumer preferences, technological progress or the emergence of a substitute and increased competition. In this phase, the product will be slowly withdrawn from the market , production will be reduced, etc.
It should be noted that in this phase you can still try to reverse the product life cycle, although it will be much more epensive and risky than in the final phase of market maturity. However, despite everything, a thorough analysis of the product life cycle and welldeveloped lateral marketing activities will have a chance of success. In fact, everything depends on the specific situation. Make sure your customers have a positive eperience with your product Get to know our offer for ecommerce! Check it out! Product life cycle on a selected eample An eample of a company that eamines the impact of a product on the environment at every stage of its life is VELU. The results of the life cycle assessment LCA analysis take into .